Cost Per Completed View (CPCV)

Learn about the Cost per Completed View (CPCV) pricing model and its role in native video advertising.

Glossary Cost Per Completed View (CPCV)

What Is Cost per Completed View (CPCV)?

Cost per Completed View (CPCV) is a pricing model where advertisers pay only when users watch an entire video ad, rather than just a portion of it. This model ensures that advertisers are charged based on complete views, indicating higher engagement.

Examples of CPCV

  • Full Video Ad Completion: An advertiser pays for a native video ad only when the user watches the entire 30-second clip.
  • Outstream Video Ads: An advertiser is charged when a user completes viewing an outstream video ad embedded within editorial content.

Key Points about CPCV

  • CPCV ensures that advertisers pay only when users fully engage with their video content, increasing the likelihood of message retention.
  • It provides a performance-based pricing structure for video campaigns, minimizing wasted spend on partial views.
  • CPCV can be a valuable metric for brand awareness and storytelling campaigns.

CPCV Best Practices

  • Create Compelling Native Video Content: Develop video ads that capture and hold users' attention to maximize completed views.
  • Optimize Video Length: Keep videos concise and engaging to encourage users to watch them in full.
  • Target the Right Audience: Use precise audience targeting to ensure your video ads are shown to users most likely to engage with the content.


  • Ad Placement: Ensure your videos are placed in high-visibility areas to increase the likelihood of completed views.
  • Viewability Standards: Verify that your CPCV campaigns are aligned with industry viewability standards to ensure accurate billing.

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