URL Parameters (Tags)

Understand how URL parameters (tags) are used in native advertising to track performance and optimize campaigns.

Glossary URL Parameters (Tags)

What Are URL Parameters (Tags)?

URL parameters are pieces of data added to a URL after a question mark ("?") to pass information about the user or the source of the traffic. These tags help advertisers track and analyze the performance of specific campaigns.

Examples of URL Parameters

  • Source Tag: A parameter that identifies the traffic source, such as ?source=facebook to track traffic from Facebook.
  • Campaign Tag: A parameter that indicates the specific campaign, such as ?campaign=spring_sale to measure the performance of a seasonal campaign.

Key Points about URL Parameters

  • URL parameters allow marketers to track where users are coming from and what actions they take on a website.
  • They are essential for campaign performance tracking, enabling more accurate reporting and optimization.
  • Parameters can be customized based on the needs of the campaign.

URL Parameters Best Practices

  • Use Consistent Naming: Establish a consistent naming convention for parameters to ensure clean data across campaigns.
  • Track Key Metrics: Use parameters to track important metrics like traffic source, campaign name, medium, and user behaviour.
  • Avoid Cluttering URLs: Keep URL parameters concise and relevant to prevent overly long and confusing URLs.


  • Data Accuracy: Ensure that URL parameters are set up correctly to avoid misattribution in analytics.
  • User Experience: Long URLs with many parameters can look unattractive; consider using URL shorteners where appropriate.

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