Bounce Rate

Learn about bounce rate, its significance in native advertising campaigns, and how to reduce it to improve user retention.

Glossary Bounce Rate

What Is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate refers to the percentage of users who land on a page and then leave the site without interacting further or visiting any additional pages. It’s a critical metric for understanding user behavior and engagement.

Examples of Bounce Rate 

  • High Bounce Rate: Users quickly exit a landing page or blog post without taking further action, such as clicking a link or filling out a form.
  • Low Bounce Rate: Users click through to other pages or engage with interactive content on the site.

Key Points about Bounce Rate 

  • A high bounce rate may suggest that your content or landing page isn’t meeting user expectations.
  • Reducing bounce rate can improve the overall engagement and conversion rates of your native advertising campaigns.
  • Bounce rate is influenced by page load time, content quality, and user experience.
  • The average bounce rate of a website or page varies greatly depending on the type of content, the type of industry and other factors. A bounce rate below 50% is generally considered to be very good. 

Bounce Rate Best Practices

  • Optimize Page Load Speed: Ensure pages load quickly to reduce user frustration and immediate exits.
  • Enhance Content Quality: Offer relevant, high-quality content that aligns with the user’s search intent or the promise of the ad.
  • Improve Internal Linking: Encourage users to explore more content by incorporating strategic internal links.


  • Content Relevance: Ensure that your native ads and the landing pages they lead to are aligned in terms of content and user expectations.
  • Device-Specific Optimization: Test bounce rate across different devices to ensure a consistent experience.

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