Goals and objectives
Coca-Cola had a mission to connect with the generation Z. As a long present brand on the Croatian market, they wanted to be presented in a new, courageous way which would fit young audience expectations and make Coca-Cola stand out.
It is indisputable that YouTube is the number one platform for brands to reach young audiences. It also provides wide space for brands to present themselves in a creative, unlimited format such as video. But this large video playground gets more and more crowded every day and leads us to dozens of new creators and usage of proven formats in play-it-safe tactic. Audience reaction? It is often „seen“. This mostly makes the problem for brands in finding a way to stand out and connect with their target, especially with Generation Z which is the most demanding and picky generation so far when it comes to online content.
JoomBoos, as a regional number one YouTube network for teens, constantly challenges itself in creating innovative and original video formats so we dived into partnership with Coca-Cola on their mission to stand out and connect with the generation Z. We once again put a spotlight on Coca-Cola in a way it differentiates the brand on the crowded YouTube scene.