
Learn about the use of widgets in native advertising and how they enhance the user experience on websites and apps.

Glossary Widget

What Is a Widget?

A widget is a small application or tool embedded within a webpage or app that performs a specific function, such as displaying ads, offering content recommendations, or providing interactive content.

Examples of Widgets

  • Recommendation Widget: A widget that suggests related articles or products based on the user’s behavior.
  • Ad Widget: A small, embedded tool that displays native ads in a way that blends with the content of the webpage.

Key Points about Widgets

  • Widgets enhance the user experience by providing additional functionality or content without disrupting the flow of the webpage.
  • Ad widgets are commonly used in native advertising to display contextually relevant ads that blend seamlessly with the page.
  • Widgets can increase engagement by offering interactive features that capture user attention.

Widget Best Practices

  • Keep It Simple: Ensure widgets are easy to use and do not overwhelm the user with too much information or functionality.
  • Ensure Responsiveness: Make sure that widgets are mobile-friendly and adapt well to different screen sizes.
  • Use Contextually: Place widgets in locations where they will be most useful to the user, such as near-related content or natural breaks in the page.


  • Performance Impact: Ensure that widgets do not slow down page load times, which can negatively affect the user experience.
  • User Privacy: Be mindful of data collection via widgets and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.

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