Bid Request

Understand bid requests, their role in programmatic advertising, and how they impact ad auctions.

Glossary Bid Request

What Is a Bid Request?

A bid request is a request from a publisher to an ad exchange for bids on available ad inventory. It contains information about the ad impression, such as user data, device type, and context, to help advertisers make informed bidding decisions.

Examples of Bid Requests

  • Real-Time Bidding (RTB): Advertisers receive bid requests and compete in auctions for ad space.
  • Programmatic Ad Buying: Automated systems analyze bid requests to place targeted ads.
  • Header Bidding: Publishers send bid requests to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously.

Key Points about Bid Requests

  • Bid requests drive the efficiency of programmatic advertising.
  • They provide essential data for targeting and personalization.
  • Accurate bid requests improve ad relevance and user engagement.

Bid Request Best Practices

  • Optimize bid requests with comprehensive and accurate user data.
  • Use machine learning algorithms to analyze bid request patterns.
  • Test different bidding strategies to maximize ROI.


  • Ensure bid requests comply with privacy regulations and standards.
  • Balance data granularity with user privacy and consent.
  • Monitor bid request quality to prevent ad fraud and enhance transparency.

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