Ad Network

Discover what an ad network is, its significance in native advertising, and explore examples of popular ad networks that specialize in native ads.

Glossary Ad Network

What Is a Native Ad Network? 

An ad network is a platform that connects advertisers with publishers who want to host native ads. In the context of native advertising, ad networks are instrumental in distributing native ads across a web of different media platforms. 

READ MORE: The 5 Best Native Advertising Platforms Right Now

Examples of Ad Networks

  • Taboola: Taboola is a leading native advertising network that specializes in content discovery and recommendation. It connects advertisers with top publishers to deliver native ads that mimic the surrounding content, making them more appealing and less intrusive to users. Taboola's advanced targeting and personalization features help advertisers reach the right audience effectively.
  • Outbrain: Outbrain is one of the pioneers in native advertising and offers a comprehensive platform for distributing content-driven ads across premium publisher sites. With a focus on content recommendations, Outbrain helps advertisers engage users by integrating native ads into the editorial content, thus maintaining a natural and non-disruptive user experience.
  • Nativo: Nativo is a leading network in the native advertising space, providing a seamless way for brands to distribute content across top-tier publisher sites. Nativo's technology enables advertisers to create and deliver native ads that blend naturally with editorial content, ensuring a smooth and non-intrusive user experience. By automating the process of content distribution and optimizing for engagement, Nativo helps brands effectively reach and resonate with their target audience.
  • Yahoo Gemini (now Verizon Media Native): Yahoo Gemini, now part of Verizon Media, provides a robust native advertising network that combines search and native ads into a single platform. This allows advertisers to create highly relevant and personalized ad experiences that blend with the content on publisher sites, increasing user engagement and driving higher conversion rates.
  • Google AdSense: Google AdSense is a widely-used ad network that allows publishers to monetize their websites by displaying targeted ads. Through its vast network, AdSense matches ads to a site's content and audience, ensuring relevance and maximizing click-through rates. The ads are integrated into the website's layout, providing a cohesive and unobtrusive experience for users. With its easy-to-use interface and robust analytics, AdSense helps both small and large publishers generate revenue by delivering ads that align with user interests.

Key Points about Ad Networks 

  • Native ad networks specialize in delivering ads that match the form and function of the platform they appear on.
  • They provide advanced targeting options to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Ad networks facilitate the efficient buying and selling of ad inventory, connecting advertisers with relevant publishers.

Ad Network Best Practices 

  • Choose ad networks that align with your brand goals and target audience for maximum impact.
  • Utilize the network's targeting and segmentation tools to refine ad delivery and increase engagement.
  • Regularly monitor campaign performance metrics and adjust strategies to optimize results.


  • Ensure the ad network complies with industry standards and privacy regulations to protect user data. 
  • Evaluate the ad formats and placements offered by the network to ensure they align with your native advertising strategy.
  • Consider the network's reach and the quality of its publisher partnerships to maximize your campaign's potential.

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