Ad Format

Learn about various ad formats used in native advertising, their applications, and how to choose the right one for your campaign.

Glossary Ad Format

What Is an Ad Format?

An ad format refers to the specific design and layout of an advertisement. In native advertising, ad formats are crafted to blend seamlessly with the surrounding content, ensuring that ads match the look and feel of the platform they appear on.

Examples of Ad Formats

  • In-Feed Ads: Ads integrated within a user's feed or content stream, appearing similar to editorial content.
  • Recommendation Widgets: Ads displayed as recommended articles or products, often at the end of content.
  • Sponsored Articles: Content pieces created or paid for by advertisers, designed to look like regular editorial content.

Key Points about Ad Formats

  • Ad formats should align with the platform's design and user experience to maximize engagement.
  • Different formats may be more effective depending on the campaign objectives and target audience.
  • Testing various formats can help determine which performs best for specific goals.

Ad Format Best Practices

  • Choose ad formats that align with the content and layout of the host platform.
  • Ensure that ads are visually appealing and provide value to the user.
  • Monitor performance metrics to optimize ad formats based on engagement and conversion rates.


  • Be aware of native ad platform-specific guidelines and restrictions for ad formats.
  • Avoid formats that may be perceived as intrusive or deceptive.
  • Continuously evaluate and adapt ad formats to keep up with evolving user preferences and platform changes.

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