Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

Understand Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), its calculation, and its role in evaluating the financial performance of native advertising campaigns.

Glossary Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

What Is Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)?

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is a metric used in native advertising that measures the average revenue generated from each user over a specific period. It helps assess the financial value of users acquired through advertising.

How to Calculate Average Revenue Per User

  • Average Revenue Per User = Total Revenue / Number of Users

Examples of Average Revenue Per User Calculation

  • Example 1: If a campaign generates $10,000 in revenue from 500 users, the ARPU is $10,000 / 500 = $20.
  • Example 2: An ad campaign that results in $2,000 in revenue from 200 users has an ARPU of $2,000 / 200 = $10.

Key Points about Average Revenue Per User

  • ARPU provides insights into the revenue potential of users acquired through ad campaigns.
  • A higher ARPU indicates greater financial value from each user, which can improve overall campaign ROI.
  • Tracking ARPU helps evaluate the effectiveness of ad strategies in generating revenue.

Average Revenue Per User Best Practices

  • Optimize User Acquisition: Focus on acquiring high-value users to increase ARPU.
  • Enhance Monetization: Implement strategies to maximize revenue from users, such as upselling or premium offerings.
  • Analyze and Adjust: Use ARPU data to refine ad targeting and improve overall campaign performance.


  • Lifetime Value: Consider the lifetime value of users when evaluating ARPU for long-term profitability.
  • Revenue Sources: Understand the different revenue sources contributing to ARPU to make informed adjustments.
  • Benchmarking: Compare ARPU with industry standards to gauge relative performance and optimize strategies.

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