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How UNICEF and the Czech Ministry of Health Boosted Vaccination Rates Among Ukrainian Children

Goals and objectives

The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with UNICEF, launched a vaccination campaign in 2023. It was created after the war in Ukraine started and part of the citizens of Ukraine fled to the Czech Republic. According to their survey, they found that there is a low level of vaccination among Ukrainian children. With their campaign, they decided to motivate Ukrainian parents in the Czech Republic to protect their children’s health. They wanted to include a native campaign in it. 

They established cooperation with us because we have all the prerequisites to reach the given target group. Our media house Czech News Center has a wide portfolio of websites, and one of them was created mainly for Ukrainian citizens who went to live temporarily in the Czech Republic. That’s why we made the native campaign bilingual - in Czech ( and Ukrainian ( 

The main goals of our native campaign were: 

  • To inform Ukrainian parents about the possibilities of vaccination in the Czech Republic and about the importance of vaccination for protecting the health of their children. 
  • Increasing awareness of the risks of not being vaccinated and of the possible complications that can occur in the event of infection with measles, polio or covid-19. 
  • Dispel myths about vaccination and build confidence in vaccination programs, which are key to achieving herd immunity.

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