Goals and objectives
The first commercial 5G network in Croatia was launched in October 2020. At that time, public opinion was influenced by small radical anti-5G groups. It turned out that the number of people in Croatia who feared 5G technology was higher than the number of those who feared the COVID-19 virus. According to a Hendal survey from August 2020, 42% of citizens stated that they would feel scared if a 5G tower were placed 50 meters from their home, whereas the fear of infection with COVID-19 was reported by 32% of citizens.
This data proves that, in the era of fake news and 'viral lies', relevant and credible information is more important than ever.
In order to shift public discussion, a leading Croatian technology company Croatian Telecom, a part of Deutsche Telekom, wanted to provide relevant, in-depth, omni-channel, and multi-platform communication throughout 2021 and address the question everyone was talking about: how will this new technology affect my life and business in Croatia?
- Awareness — to raise awareness of the impact emerging technologies have on everyday life and business in Croatia through relevant, scientifically proven, and easy-to-understand communication
- Community — to provide concrete solutions and implementable ideas that show how 5G can be used to improve quality of life and grow business, and to increase familiarity with 5G
- Thought leader — to position Croatian Telecom as a thought leader that understands users’ needs, cares about the community and anticipates future needs
- Engagement — to build an emotional relationship with users