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How Telenor's Real-Life Stories Podcast Raised Online Security Awareness

Goals and objectives

She lost 350,000 Swedish kronor – her life savings – to a scammer pretending to be from her internet provider.

She was a young influencer whose intimate bikini pictures were stolen online – and then used by an escort site for sexual services.

And he was deceived by a text message from what he thought was the Swedish postal service. A second of thoughtlessness ended with his account being emptied of 40,000 Swedish kronor.

The number of online crimes is increasing exponentially in Sweden. And the stories are everywhere around us. So commonplace and cunningly executed that they often leave one with a single feeling in the gut: It definitely could have been me.

The people and these powerful stories carried our podcast series and campaign for Telenor. With real-life experiences. Real people who have truly been affected.
Why? We knew that this was the best way to connect to truly reach out and engage the readers.

During the spring and summer of 2023, we aimed to shine a spotlight on online security and ensure that the topic becomes ”top of mind” for more people. Above all, we wanted to make Telenor’s products and services relevant and interesting to more individuals and contribute to strengthening their position as Sweden’s leading mobile operator in online security.

The initiative is directly linked to the societal issue surrounding internet-related problems, which have become increasingly prevalent. According to Internetstiftelsen four out of ten Swedes have been subjected to online fraud attempts in the past year.

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