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How DNA’s Cyber Crooks Podcast Raised Cybersecurity Awareness Among Finnish Businesses

Goals and objectives

DNA is one of the Finland’s leading telecommunication corporations. The company has been and still is well-known for its consumer business. Our goal was to profile DNA as a reliable information security partner for companies. The purpose of the campaign is to increase awareness in the right target group, build an image of an expert, raise the awareness of business decision-makers on the subject and make the available solutions familiar. 

Objective was, that the majority of the targeted audience would become aware of the importance of cybersecurity in their company. In the follow-up measurement, it was revealed that 76% started to! We wanted companies to be able to turn to DNA for data security issues, and for the image of DNA as an cyber security expert to be strengthened. 
We wanted to raise awareness among decision-makers about the diversity of cybersecurity threats and, at the same time, generate interest in the available solutions. 
When companies are aware of various cybersecurity risks, we contribute to building a safer society!

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