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Why Ranuan Tarvikekeskus’s Year-long Native Campaign Achieved Exceptional Results

Goals and objectives

Ranuan Tarvikekeskus is a company specializing in the sales of specialty motor vehicles both online and in their brick-and-mortar stores. While the company has several stores nationwide, the majority are situated on the west coast and the north of Finland. Their product range includes products such as snow mobiles, motorcycles, boats, outdoor equipment such as camping, grilling and landscaping gear.

As their stores are mainly focused in specific areas, the brand was not well-known across the country. Knowledge of the availability and range of their products was mostly focused in the same areas as the actual stores were situated in, even though their online service was available nationwide.

The goal of our co-operation was to introduce this large variety of Ranuan Tarvikekeskus’s products and services to the public and increase awareness of their brand and comprehensive online store.

In addition, the objective was to get potential customers more interested in the products and give the audience ideas and insight on how to use them and what are the benefits of doing so. These ideas and examples would be helpful in the customer’s decision making process and guide them towards possible purchase.

The client’s brief also included a desire to use a more creative approach. Ranuan Tarvikekeskus wanted to stand out from the competitors, who mostly focus on traditional product related marketing with heavy emphasis on price as the main message and trigger to motivate purchase decisions.