Landing Page (LP)

Learn about the role of landing pages in native advertising and how to optimize them for conversions.

Glossary Landing Page (LP)

What Is a Landing Page (LP)?

A landing page (LP) is a standalone web page designed specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It is the page users are directed to after clicking on a native ad, and its purpose is to convert visitors into leads or customers.

Examples of Landing Pages

  • Product Launch LP: A page dedicated to promoting a new product, featuring details, images, and a call to action to purchase or learn more.
  • Lead Generation LP: A page focused on collecting user information, offering an incentive like a free trial or eBook in exchange for their contact details.
  • Advertorial LP: A page designed to look like editorial content but is created to promote a brand or product. It provides valuable information while subtly guiding the user toward a desired action, such as purchasing or signing up.
  • Content Page LP: A page that delivers valuable content, such as an article, guide, or video, with the purpose of engaging users. While the primary goal is content consumption, secondary goals may include encouraging social shares, further exploration, or soft conversions like newsletter sign-ups.

Key Points about Landing Pages

  • Landing pages are tailored to specific campaigns and are designed to drive conversions, whether that be sales, sign-ups, or other actions.
  • The content and design of the landing page should align with the messaging of the native ad to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Effective landing pages feature clear calls to action and a simple, user-friendly design that guides visitors toward the desired action.

Landing Page Best Practices

  • Match Messaging: Ensure that the landing page content closely matches the message and promise of the native ad to avoid user confusion or disappointment.
  • Optimize for Conversions: Use clear, actionable CTAs and remove distractions to focus users on the desired action.
  • Test and Improve: Regularly A/B test different elements of your landing page, such as headlines, CTAs, and layouts, to optimize performance.


  • Page Load Speed: Ensure that your landing page loads quickly to prevent users from bouncing before the page fully renders.
  • Mobile Optimization: With a significant portion of traffic coming from mobile devices, make sure your landing page is fully responsive and mobile-friendly.


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