AIDA Model

Explore the AIDA model in native advertising and how it guides the user journey from awareness to conversion.

Glossary AIDA Model

What Is the AIDA Model?

AIDA is a marketing model that describes the stages a consumer goes through before making a purchase: Attention/Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. It is widely used to structure native advertising campaigns.

Examples of the AIDA-model in Native Advertising

  • Awareness: A native ad catches a user’s attention with an eye-catching native ad headline.
  • Interest: The user clicks on the ad and begins reading an engaging article or watching a video that explains the product.
  • Desire: The content creates a sense of need or desire for the product by highlighting its benefits.
  • Action: The user clicks a call-to-action button and completes a purchase or signs up for more information.

Key Points about AIDA

  • The AIDA model is an effective framework for structuring native ad campaigns to guide users from awareness to conversion.
  • Each stage of AIDA requires tailored messaging to move users further along the buying process.
  • AIDA is particularly useful in content-driven advertising, where storytelling can naturally lead to action.

AIDA Best Practices 

  • Attention-Grabbing Creatives: Use compelling visuals and headlines to capture the audience's attention.
  • Build Interest Gradually: Offer valuable information that keeps the user engaged and interested in your product or service.
  • Invoke Desire: Highlight the unique benefits of your product and how it solves a problem for the user.
  • Encourage Action: Use strong calls-to-action to guide users to take the next step. 


  • Audience Segmentation: Tailor the AIDA approach for different audience segments and buyer personas to increase effectiveness.
  • Campaign Measurement: Track performance at each stage of AIDA to identify any drop-offs and optimize accordingly.

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