Goals and objectives
Croatian Telekom/ Deutsche Telekom Group wanted to raise awareness of new television opportunities enabled by disruptive technologies showcased through their new product - the next generation of MAXtv, the first IPTV platform in Croatia – that is to be delivered to the 353.719 users by the end of the year 2017. They have approached Native Ad Studio in order to educate the existing users on the benefits of the new TV technology and engage the new users.
- Awareness / to raise awareness of the benefits of the new, personalized, non-linear, multi-screen TV experience, multi-tasking and interoperability capabilities in a way that will engage less or non-tech savvy consumers.
- Thought leader / to position Croatian Telekom as a thought leader in the TV industry in Croatia
- Innovation/ to design the new creative format that will align with the trends related to the new habits of watching TV and new consumer needs
- Engagement /sales to build emotional relationships with those customers who are less or are not tech savvy in order to increase the MAXtv customers base