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Shape of you

Goals and objectives

We love fashion trends and look forward to them from season to season, but every woman, and many men, knows that sometimes it's not easy to understand why something fits or doesn't suit our figure, and it is not always easy to adapt trendy clothes to their unique body shape.

There are various body shapes, someone is tall, someone is short, someone has stronger hips, someone is too thin - but it’s all nice, we don’t need to be models to feel good in our skin. And to make us even more satisfied, there are tricks that will highlight the most beautiful things on us and make our clothes fit us even better, so we invited a stylist to help us.

Our goal was to bring acceptance of all body types, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities. With body acceptance, we'd like to gain self-confidence in our clients. In cooperation with Answear, the leading European online platform for buying clothes, we have launched the Shape of you project.

Fashion trends are changing every or every two decades and it is ridiculous to not feel the glory of your body anytime. We are sure that every body shape is beautiful and that real beauty lays in its diversity, so we have shown in our multi-platform campaign by the example that once we understand how a piece of clothing suits our body shape, matching outfits and choosing clothes stops being the problem and becomes pure fun.

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