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How Credendo's Omnichannel Campaign Enhanced Awareness of Global Risks

Goals and objectives

Credendo is a European credit insurance group, present across the continent, active in all segments of credit insurance and political risk insurance, and offering a range of products that cover risks worldwide entire. Their message is « Turning uncertainties into opportunities ». 

Vision: Privileged partner to cover their clients against the risks inherent to commercial transactions and investments in the real economy and to facilitate financing. 

Assignment: Promote economic relations. Provide customized insurance, reinsurance, guarantees, bonding and financing solutions relating to domestic and international commercial transactions or overseas investments. Protection of businesses, banks and insurance companies against credit and political risks. Facilitator of financing these transactions. Act in a responsible and forward-looking manner. 

The main goal of Credendo is to communicate this vision and assignment through the B2B community of Trends/Tendances and Canal Z/Kanaal Z. It is also important to highlight their expertise and their personal experts. And last but not least: popularize, raise awareness, enlighten, inform the overall public about global risks.

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