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What Made Circle K’s Reality Series a Viral Sensation

Goals and objectives

Circle K (CK) has been a dedicated customer with us for years, but in the last couple of years they have decided to do their advertising outside of Schibsted Partnerstudio (PS). The main reason was that they did not think we were innovative enough, and they wanted to broaden their target audience.

Our mission was therefore to convince them to come back and collaborate on a new and innovative summer campaign. To make this happen, we wanted to make something new and innovative – a completely new video product on VGTV! Our objective was to create a video concept that would wow both CK and the viewers on VGTV.

After accepting the concept, the overall goal was to gain attention and traction, and build brand awareness. It was also crucial for us to make sure we utilised all platforms available, including the contestants’ social media platforms. We could not have foreseen the massive response we had on one of the contestant’s Tiktok videos.

As such this whole project for us consisted of four different objectives:

  • Get the customer back
  • Create a new video product on VGTV
  • Reach a young target audience with video content
  • Raise brand awareness by getting viewers to watch as much video as possible

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