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How S-market Leveraged Celebrity Chef Videos to Boost Brand Image

Goals and objectives

S-market is Finland’s largest grocery chain, operated by the grocery co-op S Group. 

S-market launched its ad concept and new tagline “Elämä On Ruokaa”, directly translated “Life is Food” in 2022, and has since based much of its marketing efforts on the idea that food is more than just food. Food has a role in many of life’s big and small every day moments, often has a role in the stories we tell, and can evoke all kinds of memories and feelings. As a grocery store, S-market is part of all of our lives, because food is life and life is food. 

With this native video series, S-market wanted to reach large audiences by utilizing partnered exposure through one of Finland’s most popular TV series, Vain Elämää, based on the global “The Best Singers” format. The goal was to drive home the central idea of the Life is Food tagline and position S-market as a brand that celebrates life’s milestones with its customers.