Goals and objectives
Building and expanding off of the 2022 success of The Guardian AWS Business briefs franchise, we’ve successfully launched eight additional Business briefs of AWS’ SMEs educating the Guardian readers on topics around Business Resilience and Data-Driven Businesses. This in combination with a fresh and new look of the HQ page (hub) gave readers a new but familiar destination to consume valuable business content and further presented AWS as a reliable source and trusted thought leader in the space. Newly introduced promotion tactics in 2023 on LinkedIn and Google of the AWS Business briefs had a positive impact on engagement and audience reach.
In an effort to provide the global Guardian audience with a different format of the AWS Business briefs the Guardian and AWS hosted their first Business briefs Roundtable dinner in NYC, which was attended by AWS customers and AWS data experts to talk about data and AI. The persuasive conversation between AWS customers and AWS Enterprise strategists driven by compelling data-driven Business narratives resulted in captivating video assets providing the Business briefs HQ page with a new format that has left an indelible imprint on the audience and increased brand value perception of AWS. The video portion stands out as a top performer that has allowed to capture an audience with a different content preference, shown high engagement and therefore should be considered as an essential part of the marketing strategy and the Guardian AWS Business briefs program.