Goals and objectives
Biggest native investment ever at Expressen. The performance of 2016 may cause Folkspel to become Expressen's largest customer in 2017.
Folkspel is a Swedish non-profit lottery company returning all surplus to its members, Swedish organisations and associations promoting health, equality, solidarity and community values. The last 25 years they’ve generated a stunning 16.1 billion SEK in total (1.8b usd).
Their pivotal Eldsjäl concept recognizes passionate and engaged individuals through an awards gala following a public nomination process. This way Folkspel raise public attention for people who volunteer time and energy, often unnoticed, being the backbone of Swedish volunteer organizations.
For several years Folkspel has struggled to spread the word and simultaneously engage and interact Swedes with the very purpose, i.e. to nominate and promote their own everyday heroes. Previous campaigns and approaches such as live broadcasting of the awards ceremony in national linear TV have been successful but not reached the perceived full potential.
Bonnier News Brand Studio provided Folkspel with a platform where they could tell their story throughout the whole year, to the whole of Sweden and through editorial content in the right editorial context. Noteworthy as the client never had engaged in a content cooperation previously.