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Art is Coming Home

Goals and objectives

The opening of the new National Museum of Art in Oslo, Norway is a highly anticipated and historic event in Norway. The museum hosts some of our country’s greatest treasures and art collections. Unfortunately delays due to Covid have postponed the opening for more than a year. So how could the National Museum of Art still provide amazing experiences for the public without having a museum? Well, with this campaign we together turned Norway into a gallery.

The National Museum’s business objectives are “to make art accessible to each and everyone, and to reflect society and the era in which we live”.

Awaiting the opening of the new museum, we wanted to continue fulfilling the museum's mission - making art accessible to the people of Norway. The National Museum set out on a tour throughout Norway, hosting a series of local events open to the public, exhibiting art that had a connection to the different stops on the tour.

Showcase the national art collection and prove that the National Museum of Art was still able to fulfill its social responsibility - even when the museum was still under construction.

Campaign mission:
Make art accessible to the public and bring the art back to the people.

Campaign goals:

  1. Promote the upcoming art tour and local events.
  2. The native advertising articles' role was to communicate information about the tour ahead of the local event dates.
  3. Make people feel ownership of the National Museum and history of art in Norway.