Google: Native Advertising Is the Future of Advertising

By Native Advertising Institute on January 31, 2017

How does Google define native advertising? What can publishers improve when it comes to native advertising and what does it take to succeed with mobile native advertising?

Ekin Ozenci, Mobile Product Specialist at Google talked about these and other topics at Native Advertising DAYS 2016 in Berlin where we caught up with her to do an interview. You can sign up for notifications about this year's speakers here.

Below are highlights from the interview which have been slightly edited for clarity.

Native advertising as defined by Google
"Native advertising to Google is this component based advertising which means you get elements and publishers style them into native ads. We also talk about native ads as being clearly attributed ads that need to fit the function and the form and the content of the site they're shown on.

"Reconnect with the users or lose your job"
"Native is important to Google because we think native advertising will be the future of advertising and it benefits everyone in the ecosystem; the users, the publishers, the advertisers. We need to really reconnect with the users in the advertising space otherwise we're all of out of jobs.

We want to make sure publishers can monetise programmatically

Everybody benefits from native advertising
"Users benefit from native advertising because they get a more engaging and more beautiful, flawless flow of advertising on the sites or apps they use. For advertisers, this means they can get better performance and better engagement out of the ads they show as well as the opportunity to work together with the publishers to create stories. For publishers, obviously, if everyone's happy it means higher CPMs, better revenues and so on."

What publishers should do according to Google
"We want to make sure publishers can monetise programmatically as well as with their direct sales from native advertising. I think publishers should really take the responsibility of owning the styles of the ads and what they should look like. They should put effort into the user experience, what the design looks like. Does it fit with their content? Does it give this good user experience that we're after and which is especially important for mobile because we have such a small screen, that publishers have to use really wisely to make good advertising and kill ad blindness? Mobile is the future and it's here today so we just need to keep that in mind and look at mobile first designs and ways to engage with everyone."

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