In-Feed / In-App Native Advertising

Explore in-feed and in-app native advertising, their formats, and how they enhance user engagement.

Glossary In-Feed / In-App Native Advertising

What Is In-Feed / In-App Native Advertising?

In-feed native advertising refers to ads that appear within the natural content feed of a website, app, or social media platform, blending seamlessly with organic content. In-app native advertising delivers similar experiences but specifically within mobile apps.

Examples of In-Feed / In-App Native Ads

  • Social Media Feeds: Sponsored posts that appear within a user’s Instagram or Facebook feed, mimicking regular content.
  • In-App Ads: Native ads displayed within mobile apps that align with the app’s design and functionality, such as sponsored content in a news app.

Key Points about In-Feed / In-App Native Advertising

  • These ad formats blend naturally with surrounding content, making them less disruptive and more engaging for users.
  • In-feed and in-app native ads often achieve higher engagement rates than traditional display ads due to their non-intrusive nature.
  • They are commonly used for content discovery, app promotions, and product recommendations.

In-Feed / In-App Native Advertising Best Practices

  • Align with Platform Design: Ensure your ads match the look and feel of the platform to enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Focus on Quality Content: Create ads that offer value to users, whether through entertainment, education, or relevance.
  • Target Precisely: Leverage audience targeting tools to display ads to users most likely to engage with the content.


  • Ad Fatigue: Monitor for ad fatigue, where users may become desensitized to in-feed ads after repeated exposure.
  • Platform Guidelines: Ensure your in-feed and in-app native ads comply with the specific guidelines of each platform.

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