Goals and objectives
The VDAB stands for Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (Flemish Employment and Vocational Training Service) is a Flemish public service that brings together supply and demand on the labour market and has the task, above all, of mediating and guiding job-seekers towards employment.
Wanted to raise awareness for 60+ people to remain active.
Old is not the same as "out". "Yesterday at the edge of the black pension gap, working today".
Staying busy (as a self-employed person, work placement supervisor, monitor, volunteer...) keeps the spirit young and social commitment high.
Wim Adriaens, Managing Director VDAB
If everyone is prepared to see the potential in what they still want and can do in the labour market, I am sure that this will also be possible in the 60+ age group.