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Why a Crime Novel Became a Game Changer for Retail Marketing: The Story of Mobilia Mall

Goals and objectives

Summertime for malls means SALE. Then all advertising and external communication is focused on that. As a mall, it’s difficult to break through the big marketing blur, but also the noise of red screaming posters and ads that lift stores within the mall. To build the mall's brand with the overload of advertising is not very easy. Often, people get lost in all different things that the mall offers. Mobilia Mall in Malmö has – like many other malls - this problem, especially during the summer. They needed something that could turn the trend around. So they hired us at Bonnier News Brand Studio to create a campaign that helped them reach out.

One campaign goal was to create a consistent pretense on the vacationing Malmö-citizens. Mobilia mall was aiming for a consistent presence among the vacationing people in Malmö. A pretense signaling generosity and in a way that potential customers in vacation mode were going to take in, even when their main focus was spending time on the beach and in the sun, relaxing. So, we decided to create the world’s first native crime novel and distributed it through our title Sydsvenskan.

For a newspaper to publish a crime novel, chapter by chapter in the printed paper over the summer is common. It's a very much appreciated content for vacationers. Swedes love to read their Scandinavian crime novels seated in their sun chairs or on the beach. We took that concept and turned it into the world's first native-novel.

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