Goals and objectives
The car industry is facing major challenges.
Since the brands are becoming more and more generic – with streamlined communication concepts from the international HQ – the loyalty is declining. More and more customers are focusing solely on price.
In 2019, the brand loyalty was as low as 39 percent. In the private leasing area it was even lower, 29 percent.
How can a car brand become relevant on their local market?
Which initiatives can make a brand stand out and build its own personality?
Being aware of these challenges, Schibsted Brand Studio was well prepared when OMD:s creative team DRUM reached out.
Based on DRUM:s initial creative brief, Schibsted Brand Studio created a unique content solution that put Renault in a local context with a relevant message, that unlocked storytelling in the past, present – and future. Not only for this campaign but for many to come.