Goals and objectives
To compete in the highly competitive travel card showdown, Chase and Marriott partnered to create a new premier rewards credit card offering a unique and compelling package of benefits, rewards, and experiences.
To launch this card, Chase and Marriott didn’t want just an ad. They wanted a content experience that would inspire and educate — content that would excite viewers about travel, inspire them to think of Marriott when they think of destinations, and show that getaways and free nights are more accessible than ever with the Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Card.
Insider Studios, the branded content team at Insider Inc., tapped into the adventurous consumer mindset through a first-of-its-kind branded Facebook Watch show, “Travel Dares.”
“Travel Dares” follows INSIDER hosts Caroline and Joe as they travel to eight cities across the country and walk blindfolded (literally!) into experiences that take them out of their comfort zones.
The “Travel Dares” team traveled across the country, filming aspirational yet achievable activities. In order to stop thumbs in social feeds, the episodes begin with compelling visuals that tease what’s to come. From there, the fast pace and educational nature of the videos hook viewers for elongated engaged times.
The role of the brand was present throughout every content piece: Subtle integrations of the card as an enabler for activities and inspiration for travel, followed by the hosts unwinding at a Marriott hotel to review their day over food and cocktails, paid for with the Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Card.