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Thirst for exercise

Goals and objectives

For the summer 2021, the Rajec spring water brand had a mission called “Thirst for Exercise”. The winter and spring 2021 were difficult times for both the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Sports facilities and gyms were closed just like restaurants and theatres. People lost motivation to exercise, children had to stay at home and miss out on their extracurricular activities. Home started feeling like a prison, staying at home for too long affected everybody's well-being.

We wanted to change this. In cooperation with Rajec, we decided to encourage people to get moving again. The idea was to open the biggest fitness centre in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Oudoors. And for free. The aim was to help people exercise again and, through simple but effective user activation, to create a natural association with water, because water is the essential part of any human activity.

The Rajec brand has a long history of protecting nature and the environment. The brand's key message is "Protection of water, nature and life matters". Accordingly, no "hard sell" metrics were applied. The goal was to positively motivate people to exercise. Nevertheless, we did set measurable goals as stated below.