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Morning Studio x HSBC Clean Waterways Programme

Goals and objectives

The goal of this campaign was to raise awareness of the HSBC Clean Waterways Programme by showcasing the positive impacts of this initiative. That, in turn, boosts awareness of HSBC's ongoing efforts in the sustainability space and creates positive brand affinity. HSBC wanted to show how it is spearheading the transition to a net-zero economy in ways that go beyond banking, leading by example in areas related to daily lifestyles.

The one-year anniversary of the HSBC Clean Waterways Programme offered a good opportunity to highlight its achievements thus far. Within its first year, plenty of milestones were reached, while enough statistics had been collected to allow us to tell a complete, educational and colourful story backed by substantial data and results. This foundation for the narrative paved the way for effective use of the infographic format.

The amount and quality of data we had at hand was crucial to achieving our goal and objectives. As "greenwashing" becomes prevalent in the corporate sustainability space, concrete data gave us the means to build an authentic, grounded and insightful multimedia story that veers away from the greenwashing label. The human-centric story that we also emphasise in the narrative takes this piece even further, so that it resonates with readers.