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How Absa and City Press Transformed Financial Lives with the Money Makeover Campaign

Goals and objectives

Success is not a big step in the future… success is a small step taken right now. That’s the mantra behind the annual City Press and Absa Money Makeover campaign—a commercial campaign that changes lives by giving ordinary South Africans the tools to reach financial freedom. 

Absa is one of South Africa’s largest banks. They partnered with City Press, a trusted Media24 newspaper to help readers order their finances. 

Over the course of six months, six readers and six Absa financial advisers are paired for a Money Makeover bootcamp, with astounding results. 

The campaign reshapes the financial lives of the participants, provides valuable financial advice to the user and establishes Absa as a bank that truly cares about South Africas. By using Absa financial advisors, the bank’s talent is positioned as thought leaders.