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How OP Bank's Peer-to-Peer Car Sales Service Revolutionized the Finnish Market

Goals and objectives

Almost every fourth vehicle currently in use changes owners annually!

An increasing number of these sales happen, not in traditional car dealerships, but between people. In Finland that means over 300 000 cars are sold annually between private consumers.

OP Bank, part of the largest financial group in Finland, wanted in on this. OP launched a brand new online service dedicated to peer-to-peer car sales, designed to ensure safe and easy sales between people. As OP is an operator in the insurance and banking sector, for them this was an opportunity to grow market share in field of car insurance and financing. The service would combine OP’s financing, insuring and payment services in a way that would be hard for competitors to emulate, as most don’t have such a wide range of products. Secure payments in the service would be provided by one department, another would grant autoinsurance to buyers and a third would arrange financing - all provided by sectors of OP. Additionally this would gave OP the potential to better customer retention.

The goals for the campaign were related to ensuring consumers found the service and understood how it worked. This meant the main goal was to introduce the new OP smooth Sales service to potential consumers and build awareness for it.

In addition it was important to communicate the benefits of the service for consumers, especially as this was not something they were familiar with before.

The third goal was to also generate new users for the service.