Goals and objectives
Kondomeriet continuously works to break taboos and remove shame and stigma regarding sex and sexuality. To achieve this, we wanted to make content that tells a story that goes beyond price and product. We want to strengthen their brand and increase their credibility. The main target is to produce credible content that speaks to different groups in the society and ensure that Kondomeriet is the preferred actor when it comes to sex toys and sexual pleasure in Norway.
Challenges: Taboos and competition
Challenge 1: How to create engagement around topics that usually are associated with shame and taboo.
Challenge 2: Kondomeriet operates in a market with a lot of competition, and an increasing number of businesses in the same market. As the products mostly are the same across these businesses, it is hard to stand out. Many of these businesses also use content in their marketing.
To succeed in overcoming both these challenges, real stories from real people about topics that our target audience cares about is key. This represents a challenge itself, as it is challenging to find people that want to tell openly about their sexual experiences. This is, however, crucial to reach a broader audience in a credible way. It is also important to ensure that the readers easily associate the content articles Kondomeriet.