Goals and objectives
Digital security has never been more important in Denmark. Every fifth Dane has been exposed to digital violations such as fake profiles, unwanted image sharing and harassment. In the media, one can frequently read about Danes who are confronted with the problem and 87% of us Danes lack knowledge about what to do if we are exposed to digital infringement. At the same time, 53% of us miss a place to get free advice and counseling on how to minimize the risk of violations on the internet.
NetSikker provides Telenor's mobile customers with legal assistance and advice if they are exposed to digital infringement.
The goal of NetSikker is thus to create security for customers and that no one should be left alone in the fight against digital infringement.
This campaign should therefore position Telenor as the telecommunications company that takes responsibility for their customers' digital security. But it is not easy in an over-communicated and competitive market, where the communication is generally very tactical with a strong focus on lower funnel messages such as price and data.