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How 'Pinkypromiss' Raised Breast Cancer Awareness in Croatia

Goals and objectives

Nine hundred is the average number of women dying of breast cancer every year in Croatia. This is the most common type of cancer among women according to the latest numbers. However, 90% of them survive if the cancer is identified at an early stage and self—examination is the best part of the monthly routine that can potentially save their lives.

That brings us to the obvious question – why do women detect it when it's already too late although they can easily help themselves? The answer lies in postponing self-examination. Unquestionably, the main concern in their head is the fear of finding something.

In the fight against these devastating statistics, we partnered with the association „Nisi sama“ ('You Are Not Alone') in the campaign #Pinkypromiss and made our mission to raise awareness about breast cancer and the importance of regular self-examination.

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