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He Gets Us

Goals and objectives

He Gets Us (HGU) is a national, multimedia campaign that launched in early 2022 with the intention of reviving interest in Jesus, not culture wars or politics. This movement was designed to spark curiosity around the person and teachings of Jesus, ultimately aiming to connect people to prayer, resources, or a local church body. HGU came to Christianity Today (CT), a national Christian publication, with the goal of informing pastors and church leaders of the campaign and equipping them with resources on how to discuss and leverage the HGU campaign in their congregations.

In our partnership together, we wanted to create a campaign for the CT audience that was just as creative and daring as the larger HGU campaign but that targeted pastors in our audience. This meant embracing many different forms of media, elevating both our design and content, and aggressively targeting those church leaders who would be most interested in HGU resources. While HGU’s team set out to tell the world about Jesus, we set out to prepare churches for the influx of interest and questions.

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