Summer is coming and that spells Native Advertising Days, the annual global conference on native advertising and branded content. Hosted in Copenhagen on an annual basis.
Currently, we are curating the perfect mix of topics and speakers that will inspire the native ad community on June 12th – 13th, 2024.
So, what can you look forward to at the conference?
“Inspiration and networking. We have a loyal group historically counting somewhere between 250 - 400 media and marketing professionals from all over the World. Very competent people with a lot on their mind about native ads come to Copenhagen both to gain and share new knowledge,” says Stine Holmgaard, Chief Growth Officer & Partner at Native Advertising Institute.
The conference, she says, will besides keynote speakers also feature the popular roundtable sessions that bring together industry experts and the attendees for an informal and enlightening discussion on a specific topic of the session speaker’s choosing.
“We introduced the roundtable sessions back in 2016 because we became aware of the need among the attendees to have the opportunity to discuss various topics within the world of native ads with peers in an informal setting to get new ideas, inspiration, and a global perspective to overcome challenges.”
Furthermore #NativeAdDays24 will have a focus structured around various themes and trends at the conference. Featured Track Speakers present the best casework and most transformative ideas shaping the future of native advertising. The 2024 tracks are:
● New Frontiers : AI, MediaTech and industry trends
● Branded Content and Native Advertising Cases
● The Native Advertising Powerhouse: Organisation, Strategy & Tactics
“The tracks are a perfect venue for publishers, content marketers, agencies, and ad tech professionals from all over the globe to dig into the challenges and opportunities of native ads now and in the future. Why and how do you incorporate GenAI, how do you as an agency organize so you’ll get the most out of your effort in storytelling so it’ll create the most value for the target audience? What’s next in our ecosystem? The relevant and important answers to these and many other questions will be addressed at the conference. And in a nutshell that's the rationale for native ads,” says Stine Holmgaard.

About Native Advertising Days
Native Advertising Days is the annual global conference on native advertising and branded content. Hosted in Copenhagen on an annual basis.
A unique event with a 100% focus on native advertising and branded content. We aim to enlighten you with the new frontiers and most innovative work in native advertising on a strategic and tactical level – and ensure a perfect environment for upskilling and networking with like-minded professionals in the best ways possible!
Native Advertising Days have had +250 participants every year since 2015.
Get your tickets here: https://www.nativeadvertisinginstitute.com/conference