Your company or brand wants to be a significant voice in the professional network LinkedIn. You want to generate likes, get more people to follow your company page, and engage in conversations with users.
You might have tried sponsored updates on LinkedIn. But what is great native advertising on LinkedIn? Get inspired by these three great examples of native advertising on LinkedIn.
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1. Citi - Connect: Professional Women's Network
Citi, a banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Manhattan, New York City, USA, launched its 'Connect: Professional women's network' in May 2012. They did this to boost the brand among female professionals.
Citi wanted to reach professional women in a unique forum. They wanted to provide content to strengthen womens' financial futures and elevate awareness of the Citi brand.
The bank used polls to generate discussion in the group, and got 30,000 members in the first three months. As of March 6, the discussions in the group, now counting 427.145 followers, are user generated and include video, news and polls.
Advertising for Citi's other brands runs alongside the group page.
The Connect: Professional Women's Network is run by Citi but many of the discussions are user generated. Photo: Screenshot
Citi-group managed to create awareness of their brand and reach professional women.
The initiative on LinkedIn resulted in:
- over 30,000 members in the first three months
- an 18 % week-over-week growth
2. Philips - Creating a Global Healthcare Community
Philips – the Dutch manufacturer of TVs, coffee machines and more – were concerned they were not being seen by professionals as a thought leader on innovation in the healthcare industry. They wanted to increase the credibility of their products among top professionals.
Therefore, they invested in a series of LinkedIn groups and sub-groups. One of them was a custom group targeting healthcare professionals called 'Innovations In Health'.
Philips is serious about their LinkedIn strategy and has thus given management and moderation responsibilities to their MD and Chief Medical Officer, among a wider team of staff.
The group is based on hosting and curating high quality debates, as well as using polls and other engagement features.
Philips wanted to create awareness around the fact that the company is at the forefront of innovation in healthcare. Photo: Screenshot
Phillips was able to attract a lot of healthcare professionals to their group and create awareness about their healthcare products.
Philips managed to create a number of results such as:
- a 50+ Net Promoter Score (a customer loyalty metric) generated from groups, signifying high value
- establishing the largets LinkedIn group dedicated to healthcare innvation with over 100,000 members
- forming four popular sub-groups for detailed discussions of niche issues in healthcare
- attracting over 250,000 company subscribers
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3. Volkswagen India - Campaign Inspires Car Recommendations
Volkswagen (VW) is one of the world's leading automobile manufacturers and the largest car manufacturer in Europe. VW wants to become the largest carmaker in 2018. Here, India has become an interesting target market as it is currently the second fastest growing car market in the world.
As a new brand on the Indian car market in 2010, VW needed to strengthen their brand equity, raise brand awareness and, ultimately, ensure and increase their sales.
Volkswagen turned to social media and established a VW-branded company page on LinkedIn. VW enabled LinkedIn members to recommend their favorite models and used LinkedIn Recommendation Ads to extend reach.
Lutz Kothe, Head of Marketing for VW India said to LindkedIn Marketing Solutions:
"We knew that for many people, their car affects their professional life and their professional identity affects their car choices. This made LinkedIn a natural choice to connect with current and potential car buyers among the growing Indian professional population."
VW India needed to create brand awareness in India the second fastest growing car market in the world. Photo: Screenshot
VW India was able to create brand awareness and make users recommend VW cars across the platform.
The campaign on LinkedIn garnered:
- 2,700 product recommendations in 30 days
- 2,300 new followers on VW India Compay Page
- 960,000 viral updates about VW car models
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