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Winning in Marketing with Creativity, Not Cash

In today’s hyper-competitive marketing landscape, it’s not the heaviest purse that wins, but the most creative mind.

Imagine being tasked with creating a blockbuster-level campaign on a shoestring budget. Where do you start? In this dynamic keynote, Andy will demonstrate how sheer creativity fused with strategic marketing can overcome budgetary constraints.

He’ll unpack the riveting story behind the ‘Gateway to a World of Unbridled Imagination’ campaign, which earned an impressive 10 nominations at this year’s Native Advertising Awards. Dive into a realm where children’s boundless imaginations meet ChatGPT and insightful editorial craftsmanship.

Be ready for an engaging session that may just redefine your approach to marketing challenges.

Warning: some members of the audience might be sent to the guillotine.

Key takeaways:

  • Empowerment to Innovate: Break free from traditional constraints and embrace bold, creative risks in your marketing strategies.
  • Rethinking Budgets: Learn how to stop letting small budgets stifle your creativity and start seeing them as an opportunity to innovate.
  • Sustained Impact: Discover how genuinely useful campaigns can drive brand growth and continue to perform long after they’ve ended.
  • Bonus Insight: Gain a practical tip on surviving parenthood.