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RE:Think Innovation

People think innovation is expensive, time-consuming and complicated – and that it takes special skills, special titles and special budgets.

But are we doomed to a life of status-quo thinking and underperforming results? Of battling too many demands and risk-adverse roadblocks? Of wistfully dreaming we’re the golden unicorn who comes up with fantastical ideas at the drop of a hat?

What if, instead of struggle and frustration, there was a proven framework for consistently developing the great ideas that drive bottom-line impact? And what if everyone in your organisation could learn it? It’s time to rethink your approach to

In this keynote, Carla Johnson demystifies how innovative icons deliver time and again. You’ll discover why inspiration needs to leave the conference room and venture out into the real world. Carla shows you why true innovation can come from anywhere and lead to measurable results in days, not years. You’ll walk away feeling confident to introduce a new culture of innovation in which people are excited to develop new ideas, make good ideas better and support a mindset of innovation by everyone.

Key Takeaways

  • Reimagine the role innovative thinking plays in how teams and organisations get work done.
  • Understand why most groups fail at innovation, even though they say it’s a key competitive priority.
  • Learn a proven, 5-step process to consistently come up with ideas for any situation that have a bottom-line impact.