'Ocean Masters' is the working title for a new documentary series that is going to premiere on Discovery Channel in 2016. The documentary is based on a partnership between Discovery Channel and danish shipping conglomerate The Maersk Group. In native lingo we call that an advertising funded programme.
'Ocean Masters' brings the viewer into the middle of shipping, where employees of The Marsk Group, including engineers, captains og designers, work to build a new generation of ships and drilling rigs. Says Morten Engelstoft, CEO of APM Shipping Services at the Maersk Group:
We build some of the world's most complex and advanced ships and drilling rigs, and we are thrilled to bring the viewers of Discovery Channel on board and introduce them to some of the people, who work on these projects.
The new documentary series marks the second time that Discovery Channel and The Maersk Group partners to put together a TV programme about the challenges of shipping. In 2013 Discovery Channel screened 'Maersk: Bulding The World's Largest Ship', which detailed the construction of Triple-E, the world's largest container vessel.